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Rice fragrant village snacks on the arctic ocean soda "Tmall Spring Festival into a new retail stage

2018-01-19 11:18:20来源: DoNews


On January 18th, the third section Tmall them to start. In the "electricity out of poverty (chongqing) summit dialogue", alibaba CEO zhang announced the launch of the electricity business anti-poverty strategy at the same time, regional agricultural products to the country, with innovation mode power precision out of poverty. Rural local products, overseas goodies for the yankees, old custom gift box and a full range of new retail experience will be on the "goodies for Tmall festival". Consumers in addition to order goodies for hoarding, can by hand for AR technology and "scene for" get straight to the French bordeaux chateaux such immersive shopping experience. Under the wave of new retail, thick NianWeiEr dispelling the division of urban villages, online, tens of millions of pieces of day cat network red firecrackers will in rt-mart east China area, at the same time the intime, the major national core business circle will also be open "to catch the cat cat" new retail interactive experience, AR, VR, etc. Soil in the old "new" four behind words, Tmall necessities section shows a picture of a new era of retail...

标签: 天猫