新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从《第五人格》《旅行青蛙》上线,看一场腾讯、网易、阿里的游戏攻防战


From the fifth personality ", "travel frog" online, watching a game of tencent, netease, ali defensive side

2018-04-10 16:26:00来源: 品途网

在刚过去的清明小长假前后,国内游戏行业可谓非常热闹,先是网易游戏上线了《第五人格》,之后阿里游戏宣布代理了《旅行青蛙》,最后是网易与腾讯及相关公司的“唇枪舌战”,说起来这一连串反应多还是围绕那个2000亿中国游戏市场的争夺,而随着后来者阿里的加入,也让这三大互联网公司的游戏攻防战越来越有看头了。 “致敬”腾讯的网易游戏攻势 最近游戏行业总在说的话,就是网易越来越像当初的腾讯了,这个像主要体现在近来网易自研手游的借鉴之风越吹越猛。先是紧跟流行推出了“吃鸡”手游《荒野行动》《终结者2》,之后网易又发现了此前差点在国内火起来的端游《黎明杀机》,推出类似手游《第五人格》,确实是将借鉴发挥到了最...

In just the past before and after the qingming festival small long vacation, the domestic game industry is very lively, netease game launched the "fifth personality", after ali announced that the agency "travel frog" game, and at last the netease and tencent and related company "lips gun heated dispute", this a series of reactions was around it that 200 billion of the Chinese game market, and with the latecomers ali, also let the three big Internet companies is becoming more and more interesting game offensive. "Honor" tencent netease game offensive In recent games industry always say, netease is more like the original tencent, the like in recent netease from research mobile game model of the wind, the more the more fierce. First follow fashion launched a "chicken" mobile game "wilderness act" terminator 2, netease has found that after almost at home fire up the end of the dangers in the dawn, launch similar mobile game "fifth personality", is indeed will reference to the most...

标签: 游戏 腾讯 网易