新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访吴新宙:小鹏汽车无人驾驶系统采取逐步演进路线


Interview Wu Xinzhou: xiao peng car driverless system gradual evolution route

2019-03-15 02:13:06来源: DoNews

DoNews3月15日消息(记者 程侃如)3月13日,原高通自动驾驶负责人吴新宙正式加盟小鹏汽车,出任公司自动驾驶副总裁,全面负责小鹏汽车自动驾驶美国及国内的整体技术路线规划、业务及团队管理,并向小鹏汽车董事长兼CEO何小鹏汇报。3月14日,吴新宙接受了DoNews的专访,介绍了小鹏汽车无人驾驶团队情况以及接下来的研发路线图。为什么会选择加入小鹏汽车吴新宙毕业于清华大学,获电子工程学士学位,后在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校获得了电子工程硕士及博士学位。按照小鹏官方的介绍,在加入小鹏汽车前,吴新宙曾在高通工作十余年,是高通自动驾驶研发团队负责人,有着多年汽车研究、无线通信和车联网行业经验。在无人驾驶...

DoNews3 15 news, March 13 (reporter Cheng Kanru), the original qualcomm Wu Xinzhou formally joined xiao peng, head of the automatic driving cars, as the company executive vice President of autopilot, overall responsibility for xiao peng vehicle automated driving in the United States and the whole of the domestic technical route planning, business and team management, and report to xiao peng, chairman and CEO xiao-peng he car. On March 14, Wu Xinzhou accepted DoNews, xiao peng driverless car team was introduced, and the next development roadmap. Why would choose to join xiao peng car Wu Xinzhou graduated from tsinghua university, a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering, in the United States at the university of Illinois at urbana-champaign after obtained the master's and doctorate in electrical engineering. According to xiao peng's official introduction, before joining xiao peng car, Wu Xinzhou had more than 10 years of work in qualcomm, qualcomm, head of autonomous research and development team, with many years automotive research, wireless communications and networking industry experience. The unmanned...

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