新关注 > 信息聚合 > 同为网文大鳄,中文在线和阅文各自讲着怎样的故事?


As article predators, Chinese online and read their story telling?

2017-08-08 20:23:22来源: DoNews

DoNews互娱8月8日消息(记者 刘胜军)经过近一年的筹备,阅文集团终于在7月4日向港交所提交了招股说明书。自2015年腾讯通过收购盛大文学成立阅文集团开始,已经在A股稳坐“数字出版第一股”的中文在线,就成了业内人士最常提的对标企业。从近期业绩和业务结构来看,这两家公司确有相似:两家公司在2016年的经净利润均在3000万元上下;都以数字阅读产品为当前最主要的盈利业务,同时开始在IP开发、运营等领域布局。但事实上,通过企业历史和财务资料可以发现,虽然同处一条河,但这两条大鳄在过去和将来,一直都讲着不同的故事。历史:一边是数字化出版,一边是IP圈地中文在线自2000年成立之初,中文在线就提出了...

DoNews mutual entertainment news on August 8 (reporter Sheng-jun liu) after nearly a year of preparation, finally read article group on July 4, submitted to the Hong Kong stock exchange the prospectus. Established since 2015, tencent through its acquisition of shanda literature reading group started, has been in A shares held "digital publishing the first" Chinese online, has become the industry the most often asked for the enterprise. From the point of recent performance and business structure, the two companies have similar: both companies in 2016 by the net profit fluctuates in 30 million yuan; With digital reading products is the main current profit business, at the same time start the layout in the field of IP development, operations, etc. But in reality, history and through the enterprise financial information can be found, though in a river, but the two giants in the past and future, has been a different story. History: is a digital publication, while IP enclosure is at the beginning of the Chinese online since it was founded in 2000, Chinese online is put forward...