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武魂2跨年版上线 新星座坐骑穿越而来

Wuhun 2 New Year's Eve on-line version of the new constellation horse came through

2015-12-24 16:20:30来源: 新浪

欢送冬至后,平安夜、圣诞、元旦即将登场,网易旗下全息真实动作网游《武魂2》宣布跨年狂欢双节盛典,任性送福利,浓情加温“岁末档”,更为全新跨年版拉开序幕。全新星座系列坐骑造型特别,彷如自西方神话的梦幻星空盛装穿越而来。 【新坐骑新时装 穿越时空说爱你】 记得去年冬雪节,《武魂2》推...

After the farewell winter solstice, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Day is coming soon, NetEase holographic real action games "Wu Hun 2" announced New Year's Eve revelry double celebration, capricious send welfare, heated passion "gear end of the year", more new cross edition kicked off. The new Constellation modeling special horse, just like the stars from Western mythology fantasy costumes came through. [New mounts new fashion through time and space love you] remember last winter snow festival, "Wu Hun 2" push ...

标签: 星座