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Xiao peng electric vehicles, xiao-peng he how much chance?

2018-12-13 19:02:13来源: DoNews

12月12日,在融资超过100亿元,经过超过4年的打磨之后,小鹏终于发布了它的首款电动车——小鹏G3。此次小鹏G3共推3款配置,悦享版、智享版、尊享版,指导价为22.78万到25.78万元,补贴后售价分别为13.58万、14.98万与16.58万元。其中,智享版可以享受所有的智能交互功能,而尊享版升级为Nappa真皮座椅等。何小鹏为小鹏G3划出了5个维度的标准——“够安全,高品质,真漂亮,挺智能,不太贵”,试图打造“高性价比”,要做汽车界的“小米”。新势力造车里面,小鹏发布的时间几乎是最晚的一个,何小鹏有机会成为汽车界的“小米”吗?一、小鹏G3的实力据官网介绍,小鹏G3 60km等速续航达55...

On December 12, in the financing of more than 10 billion yuan, after more than four years of grinding, xiao peng finally released its first electric car, xiao peng G3. Push the xiao peng G3, a total of three configurations, please enjoy edition, wisdom, honour enjoy enjoy editions, guided prices from 227800 to 257800 yuan, after the subsidy price respectively is 135800, 149800 and 165800 yuan. Among them, the think tank version can enjoy all the intelligent interactive function, and to enjoy version upgrade for the Nappa leather seats, etc. Xiao-peng he to xiao peng G3 drawn the five dimensions of standard - "safe, high quality, beautiful, pretty smart, don't too expensive", trying to create "cost-effective", to do posse "millet". New building cars, and xiao peng release time is one of the most late, almost xiao-peng he had a chance to become posse "millet"? A, xiao peng G3 strength according to the website, xiao peng G3 60 km uniform range 55...

标签: 小鹏