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小鹏汽车1.0量产车在京挂牌上路 何小鹏演示自动泊车

Xiao peng car 1.0 production CheZaiJing listed on the road Xiao-peng he demonstrates automatic parking

2017-12-03 20:50:18来源: DoNews

DoNews12月3日消息(记者 翟继茹)3日,小鹏汽车1.0量产车率先在北京挂牌上路,董事长何小鹏为首位车主。他驾驶小鹏汽车出席某活动,并在国家会议中心附近街头进行自动泊车。今年8月何小鹏从阿里离职后,全心投入到小鹏汽车的工作中。扩大团队人才建设成为他的首要任务,原一汽技术研究院副院长刘明辉、原特斯拉人工智能梦之队核心专家、Autopilot自动驾驶领军人物谷俊丽、原京东高级副总裁、宝洁大中华区美尚事业总裁熊青云相继加盟。在活动演讲中,何小鹏首次讲述了“小鹏汽车”名字的起源。何小鹏表示,当时想过橙子汽车、小马汽车这些名字,但是全部注册不下来,最后团队征询其意见是否可以叫小鹏汽车,最为早起投资...

DoNews12 3 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) 3, xiao peng car 1.0 production car first listed on the road in Beijing, the chairman xiao-peng he for the first owner. He drove xiao peng car attend some activities, and on the streets near the national conference center in automatic parking. In August xiao-peng he from ali after leaving office, the whole heart into xiao peng car work. Enlarge the talent team construction as his first priority, the original faw ming-hui liu, vice President of the institute of technology, the original tesla dream team core of artificial intelligence expert, the Autopilot Autopilot leading GuJunLi, original jingdong, senior vice President, us still cause p&g greater China President Xiong Qingyun successively to join us. Speech in the activity, xiao-peng he tells the story of the origin of the name "xiao peng car" for the first time. Xiao-peng he said, when the thought of oranges, pony car the name, but not all registered down, the team asked whether their opinions can call xiao peng car, most early investment...

标签: 小鹏