新关注 > 信息聚合 > Quest Partners选择QuantHouse提供全球量化交易解决方案

Quest Partners选择QuantHouse提供全球量化交易解决方案

Quest Partners choose QuantHouse provide global quantitative trading solution

2019-01-15 16:00:00来源: 美通社

伦敦2019年01月15日电 /美通社/ -- 为全球自动化、系统化交易提供一站式解决方案 独立的全球高性能系统性交易解决方案提供商QuantHouse今天宣布,该公司已被Quest Partners LLC(简称Quest)选中,为其自动化交易员的多样化需求提供支持。该公司的解决方案包括创新的市场数据服务、算法开发工具和全球网络基础设施。 Quest专注于研究驱动型、多资产、定量化交易,并以参考了全球交易所波动性变化的复杂而严谨的交易策略而闻名。他们的算法交易员可连接至80多个流动性市场,包括大宗商品、货币、股指和固定收益市场。为了满足该机构对高质量数据和技术的需求,Quest选...

London 2019 January 15 (xinhua)/pr newswire / & have spent - global automation, systematic trading to provide one stop solution independent global high-performance solution provider QuantHouse systemic trading today announced that the company has been the Quest Partners, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Quest) selected, provide support for the diversified demands of automated traders. The company's solutions including the innovation of market data services, global network algorithm development tools and infrastructure. Quest driven focus on research, more assets, quantitative, and with reference to the global exchange volatility change of complex and is famous for its strict trading strategies. Their algorithm can be connected to more than 80 market liquidity traders, including commodities, currencies, stock and fixed income markets. In order to meet the demand for high quality data and technology, the Quest to choose...