新关注 > 信息聚合 > NS《真三国无双7 猛将传DX》欧美版发售日公布

NS《真三国无双7 猛将传DX》欧美版发售日公布

NS the real three kingdoms matchless and Athens announced DX, Europe and the United States released version of the release date

2018-10-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网北京10月23日电 (记者杨虞波罗)光荣特库摩最近公布的NS平台版《真三国无双7:猛将传》,本作的正式名称为《真三国无双7:猛将传DX》,将于12月27日在欧美服Nintendo eShop上发售,售价39.99美元(约278元人民币),首周购买将能获得10%的折扣优惠。 在《真三国无双7:猛将传DX》中,玩家将能玩到原版《真三国无双7》和《猛将传》中的所有内容,游戏中还包括了迄今为止推出的所有服装与剧情DLC。如果玩家拥有《大蛇无双3》,还能获得存档继承特典。

People in Beijing on October 23 report (reporter Yang Yu polo) glory, library the NS platform version released recently the real three kingdoms matchless 7: leading biography, this formal name for the real three kingdoms matchless 7: leading the DX ", in Europe and the United States on December 27, Nintendo eShop on sale, priced at $39.99 (about 278 yuan), first week of purchase will be able to receive a 10% discount. In the real three kingdoms matchless 7: leading the DX ", the player will be able to play to the original "the real three kingdoms one like 7" and all the content in the biography of Athens, the game also includes launched all clothing and DLC plot so far. If the player has the serpent one like 3, still can obtain the archive indult inheritance.