新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拒当韭菜!《区块链行业安全手册》首发(附30页PDF)


Rejected when leek! Starting block chain industry safety handbook (30 pages attached PDF)

2018-02-15 13:23:00来源: 品途网

投资安全问题一直都存在,只不过现在被放大检验了。 早在2014年,Mt.Gox因85万枚比特币被盗事件倒闭,即已显示出由于缺乏有效的监管措施以及基于区块链的数字资产匿名性导致的资金风险问题,被盗窃的资产并不能通过现有手段找回,用户的损失只能依靠交易平台的信用背书以及自有资金赔偿,而这起事件只是数字资产的安全事件的冰山一隅。 在进入2017年下半年后,伴随加密货币的火热行情,区块链以及ICO项目逐渐步入公众视野,然而由于普遍缺乏对加密货币的认识,导致市场催生出大量投机、诈骗、传销事件,空气币、传销币、韭菜、思慕、泡菜溢价等民间用语的出现也正是这些事件的一种写照。 2017年9月,中国加密...

Safety problem has been around forever, just be amplified test now. As early as 2014, Mt. A bigger collapse for 850000 gold COINS were stolen events, which has shown due to the lack of effective regulation and the digital assets based on block chain anonymity lead to capital risk problem, stolen assets and cannot be recovered through the existing method, the loss of the user can only rely on the credit endorsement trading platform and its own funds compensation, and the incident is digital assets security event in a corner of iceberg. In the second half of 2017, the currency with encryption hot market, chain block and gradually into the public eye, ICO project due to the general lack of knowledge of encryption currency, however, lead to produce a large number of market speculation, fraud, pyramid schemes, the air, the pyramid selling, leek, regret, the advent of kimchi premium such as folk language is a reflection of these events. In September 2017, China's encryption...

标签: 区块链