新关注 > 信息聚合 > 布鲁减防效果强 红眼七大神器左槽排行

布鲁减防效果强 红眼七大神器左槽排行

Blue red eye reduction and prevention effect of strong seven artifact left tank top

2015-03-22 14:38:27来源: 52PK

前段时间楼主总结了关于红眼的传说左曹和SS左曹。。犹豫前几期统计的那些个装备估计大部分红眼也没有几个。。这期楼主就来统计一下红眼的神器左曹排行榜!! 第一:布鲁之怨灵印章 攻击时使敌人减少20%的物理和魔法防御力。。效果持续10秒 评价:全职业最牛逼的左曹之一对付精英怪老王最...

some time ago landlord summarized about the legend of Zuo Cao and SS Zuo Cao eye.. Before a few period of hesitation statistical those equipment estimated that most red eye is also not a few.. Artifact left Cao list this period the landlord to count the red eye!! the first: blue of the Wraith seal attack the foe reduce physical and magic defense 20%.. The effect lasts for 10 seconds evaluation: one of the force left Cao full occupation most cattle against the elite strange wang...