新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一点资讯联手百联大宗 打通交易和资讯闭环

一点资讯联手百联大宗 打通交易和资讯闭环

A bit of information to get through bulk transactions and wire loop brilliance

2017-02-20 11:55:32来源: 亿邦动力网


Recently, a large information and brilliance in Beijing announced a strategic cooperation, provided information services for the commodity sector, while both the advantages of integrated line based on offline industry chain resources, for the majority of Internet users to launch more commodities from information to complete orders one-stop solution. It is understood that the two sides will also focus on the commodity price index data, joint development, market sentiment index, price forecasts with high value-added professional derivative products, to jointly promote mobile information and trading of commodities. A bit of information and industry information, product focus brilliance bulk terminal fusion, operation promotion, professional and other derivative products to carry out multi-dimensional cross-border cooperation. At the product level, open information service platform on both sides, a little information APP will also be customized personalized channels and commodity trading applications, so interested in this part of the user to obtain quick and intelligent commodity price quotes, market, real time to express...