新关注 > 信息聚合 > Uber CEO:自动驾驶汽车会在“未来几个月”重新上路

Uber CEO:自动驾驶汽车会在“未来几个月”重新上路

Uber CEO: self-driving cars will be back on the road "in the next few months"

2018-05-10 09:28:28来源: DoNews

DoNews 5月10日消息(记者 赵晋杰)Uber首席执行官达拉·科斯罗萨西(DaraKhosrowshahi)在5月10日举行的Uber Elevate上,表示Uber自动驾驶汽车将会未来几个月内重新回归。科斯罗萨西表态称,当Uber自动汽车重新上路时,“它将尽可能安全”。在3月中旬的亚利桑那州,正在测试的一辆Uber自动驾驶SUV撞死了一名过马路的女士。此次事故是全球范围内首例自动驾驶汽车致人死亡事故。Uber北美地区自动驾驶测试项目随后被全面叫停。(完)

May 10, DoNews news (reporter Zhao Jinjie) talat, chief executive of Uber coase ROM sashi (DaraKhosrowshahi) held on May 10th Uber Elevate, said Uber self-driving cars will be the next few months back. Coase sashi said, when Uber automatically when the car back on the road, "it will be as safe as possible". In mid-march, Arizona, is testing a Uber automated driving SUV struck and killed a lady crossing the street. The accident is the first worldwide self-driving cars deadly accidents. Uber North America autopilot test project is then full stop. (after)