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《剑网3》醉江湖狂欢盛典30日开幕 豪华嘉宾阵容..

"Sword net 3" drunk arena Carnival Festival 30 opening luxury lineup of guests..

2015-04-23 00:36:56来源: 多玩游戏

2015 年 4 月30 日,《剑网 3》 将在广州市地标建筑,有着“小蛮腰”美名的广州电视塔下海心沙亚运公园举办“醉江湖狂欢夜”盛典!本场晚会由亚运会导演佟刃峰指导,墨明棋妙原创音乐团队众古风歌手鼎立加盟,广东粤剧院携《决战天策府》压轴献技。诚邀侠士共赏《剑网3》游戏文化的极致巅峰。 ...

2015 year in April 30th, "sword net 3" will be in Guangzhou city landmark building, has a "small pretty waist" reputation of the Guangzhou TV Tower sea heart Sand Park held Asian Games "carnival night drunk rivers and lakes" Sheng dian! The evening by the Asian Games director Tong Renfeng directed, ink Ming chess wonderful original music team all the old singer joined separation, Guangdong Cantonese opera academy articles "decisive battle" finale at their house. Invites the chivalrous dramas "sword net 3" game culture extreme peak. ...