新关注 > 信息聚合 > 灵狐初现 《醉逍遥》即将步入新时代

灵狐初现 《醉逍遥》即将步入新时代

Ling fox peep "drunk free and unfettered" is about to enter a new era

2015-01-17 12:27:12来源: 多玩游戏

国产2.8D武侠游戏《醉逍遥》日前正式公布了其首个新职业——灵狐。隐世已久的上古门派——灵狐宫再现江湖,相信这个江湖必会有一场新的风雨。这神秘门派中的成员们终于显露真容,跟着小编一起先睹为快吧! 【萝莉出世 萌动江湖】 在《醉逍遥》之前的世界里,无论是英姿飒爽的峨嵋、高贵典雅的百...

domestic 2.8D martial arts game "happy drunk" was formally announced its first new occupation -- fox. The hidden world has long been the ancient martial art -- fox palace reappearing, believe in this arena and there will be a new wind and rain. This mysterious martial art in the members finally revealed his true, followed small make up together be all eagerness to see it! [Lolita was born in germinating Jianghu] "drunk free and unfettered" before the world, whether it is a valiant and heroic in bearing Emei, noble and elegant 100...