新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福建龙岩出台政策积极发展电子商务


Fujian Longyan policy and actively developing e-commerce

2015-04-21 00:45:02来源: 和讯网

本报记者 田永寿报道 日前,记者从龙岩市人民政府门户网获悉,龙岩市出台《龙岩市加快电子商务发展的实施意见(试行)》(以下简称《意见》)加快电子商务发展,力争到2018年,全市电子商务年交易额突破800亿元。 《意见》从8个方面提出具体扶持政策:推出支持创建电子商务平台企业、鼓励生...

reporter Tian Yongshou reported recently, a reporter from the Longyan Municipal People's government portal website was informed, Longyan city issued "Implementation Opinions on accelerating the development of electronic commerce in the city of Longyan (for Trial Implementation)" (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions") to speed up the development of e-commerce, and strive to 2018, the city's electronic annual business turnover exceeded 80000000000 yuan. "Opinions" put forward specific policy from 8 aspects: the introduction of support for the creation of e-commerce platform of enterprises, encourage students...

标签: 电子商务