新关注 > 信息聚合 > 农业互联网化,如何重构新兴农业组织


Agricultural Internet, how to reconstruct the new agricultural organization

2015-08-14 14:31:10来源: DoNews

现代农业是当前的热词,但如何去辨识一个产业时代到来的机会与节点,却需要有足够的商业见识。当然,那些勇敢的商业实践家们,在你还在识别机会的时候,他们却早已凭借他们超常的嗅觉和冒险的天性开始了行动与探索。 工业化时代给了我们这样一些参照。比如技术的参与、规模化生产、效率性市场是关键。在此下的大生产分工、产业链协作、现代服务的推动才是大工业时代成型的基本特征。很显然,所有的工业现象都不是天生的。与传统市场驱动模式相比,一切产业化的源头都有赖于新兴市场组织井喷式的爆发和无所不在的触发。从这个角度来看,中国农业正在表现出同样的征兆。 不断崛起的新兴农业市场主体 产业化时代最先觉醒的往往是敏锐的产业资本。...

modern agriculture is the current hot words, but how to identify the arrival of an industrial era, the opportunity and the node, but need to have enough business knowledge. , of course, those brave business practitioners, when you still identify opportunities, they are long with their extraordinary sense of smell and adventurous nature began action and explore. The industrial age has given us some references. For example, the participation of technology, large-scale production, the efficiency of the market is the key. Under this big production division of labor, industry chain collaboration, modern service to promote the formation of the basic characteristics of the era of big industry. Obviously, all industrial phenomena are not born. Compared with the traditional market driven model, the source of all industries depend on the emerging markets of the outbreak and the ubiquitous blowout. From this point of view, China's agriculture is showing the same signs. The rising of the emerging agricultural market, the main industry of the era of the first awakening is often keen industry capital. ...