新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贝佐斯亏损的华盛顿邮报还有机会么?


Bezos losses of the Washington post have a chance?

2016-07-05 10:48:00来源: DoNews

《纽约》杂志的记者加布里尔·雪曼(Gabriel Sherman)在最新一期杂志上写了一篇长篇报道,探究杰夫·贝佐斯收购华盛顿邮报之后所取得的成就与存在的问题。好消息很多,坏消息也有。其中十分引人注目的是这样一段:有报道指贝佐斯在最近的一次会议上告诉员工们,华盛顿邮报目前的年度预算为5亿美元,在接下来的三年间,必须削减一半。邮报方面明确地向就此征询的加布里尔·雪曼否定了这一说法。无风不起浪,加布里尔·雪曼长篇报道中引述的数据,大都来源于不具名的知情人士,很难确认其是否百分之百真实。但是,压上了严肃主流杂志的高贵清誉与知名记者的职业贞操的重头报道,杰罗姆选择采信。华盛顿邮报最后一次公布的年度运营...

New York magazine reporter Gabriel · Sherman (Gabriel Sherman) in the latest issue of the magazine wrote a long report, explore the Jeff bezos, after acquisition of the Washington post's achievements and existing problems. There are good news, bad news. These very striking is such a: reports that bezos told employees in a recent meeting, the Washington post the annual budget of $500 million, over the next three years, must be cut in half. Post has explicitly to consult, gabriel Sherman, denies the claim. , there is no smoke without fire, gabriel Sherman, lengthy report quoted data, mostly from the unnamed people familiar with the matter, it is difficult to confirm whether the one hundred percent true. However, the pressure on the serious mainstream magazine Gao Guiqing start professional reputation and well-known journalist chastity, inter alia, Jerome choice. The Washington post published last year operation...