新关注 > 信息聚合 > comScore:2014年网络星期一零售电子商务销售额..


ComScore:2014 network Monday retail e-commerce sales..

2015-01-23 01:17:33来源: 199IT

根据零售业联合会(NRF),美国假日零售销售额连续三年增长,2014年增长4.0%,2013年增长3.8%,2012年增长3.0%。包括11月和12月在内的假日零售销售额达到6161亿美元,相比之下,去年是6000多美元。 购物季期间有很多关于数字销售额的讨论,特别是黑色星期五、网络...

according to the National Retail Federation (NRF), America holiday retail sales growth for three consecutive years, 4% growth in 2014, rising to 3.8% in 2013, rising to 3% in 2012. In November and December, including the holiday retail sales were $616100000000, compared with last year, is more than 6000 dollars. There was a lot of discussion about digital sales shopping season, especially the black Friday, network...

标签: 电子商务