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镇魔曲10月23日全面内测 女龙将CG首发

Town music magic October 23 the full beta female dragon will CG starting

2015-10-24 15:16:14来源: TechWeb

作为今年最受期待的2.5D新游,网易《镇魔曲》今天终于宣布,将于10月23日开启全面内测。此次内测游戏将带来更完整的内容,除了万人跨服城战、超过100套新时装、情缘系统等社交玩法之外,新职业性别——“东方元气少女”女龙将也将正式加入。今天就为大家带来女龙将CG以及此次内测的新内容前瞻。 ...

as this year's most anticipated 2.5D travelogue, Netease the town's magic song "today finally announced, will open on October 23, a comprehensive online. The beta of the game will bring more complete content, in addition to million people across service Battle City, more than 100 sets of new fashion, affinity system social play outside, the new occupational gender - "Oriental vitality girl" female dragon will also be officially joined. Today we bring the female dragon CG and the beta of the new content for future. ...