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皇室战争全新联盟赛机制曝光 宝箱二选一

The royal war new league game mechanism exposure The treasure chest a choice

2017-03-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今天皇室战争官方爆出了全新的传奇联赛奖励机制,在新出的11阶竞技场之上,4000杯开始可以进入联盟赛。接下来就让我们一起看看具体的内容吧。 联盟赛的规则如下: 1、联盟赛每个赛季为期一个月,当月第一个周一开始,次月第一个周一结束。 2、赛季结算的时候,冠军联盟赛的玩家重置到4600杯,大师联盟赛的玩家重置到4300杯,精英联盟赛的玩家重置到4000杯。 3、每个赛季的段位取决于该赛季中曾经到达过的最高杯数,而非赛季结束时的杯数。 4、根据赛季到达的段位,获得不同的二选一宝箱奖励。这个宝箱每组卡牌都是二选一,玩家可以从每组的两种卡牌中选择自己想要的卡,而且有比较大的几率出传奇卡。 ...

Today the royal war officials reported the new legend league reward mechanism, 11 in the face of the new order arena, can enter the league to the start of the 4000 cup game. Then let's take a look at the specific content. League game rule is as follows: 1, the league match each season for a month, the first Monday of the month, the first Monday of the following month end. 2, the settlement of the season, champions league game players to reset to the 4600 cup, the master league game players to reset to the 4300 cup, elite league cup game players to reset to 4000. 3 grade depends on the season, every season has reached the highest number, number of cups rather than at the end of the season. Grade 4, according to the season arrived, obtain different choice a treasure chest. The treasure case each group of the CARDS is a choice, the player can choose from each group of two kinds of CARDS you want card, card and there is a higher chance of a legend. ...