新关注 > 信息聚合 > 真实赛车体验 《赛车联盟》极速测试仅4天

真实赛车体验 《赛车联盟》极速测试仅4天

Real racing experience "Racing League" speed test for only 4 days

2015-03-06 21:29:40来源: 新浪

由空中网代理的竞速网游《赛车联盟》极速测试开放时间:3月6日-3月9日 每日17:00-22:00,《赛车联盟》是由英国著名游戏开发商Eutechnyx于2014年推出的一款多人在线高拟真赛车竞速在线游戏。目前已获得超过60家全球最知名的汽车厂商的官方授权(包括宝马、迈凯轮、布加迪、路特...

by air network agent racing online games, "" Speed Racing League test open time: March 6th -3 month 9 days daily 17:00-22:00, "Racing League" was launched by the famous British game developer Eutechnyx in 2014 a multiplayer online high immersive racing online game. Currently has access to official authorization more than 60 of the world's most famous auto manufacturers (including BMW, McLaren, Bugatti, reuters...