新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里巴巴一重要高管14年只站台过2场发布会 现在马云也盯上了这个业务

阿里巴巴一重要高管14年只站台过2场发布会 现在马云也盯上了这个业务

One of Alibaba's top executives has only made two announcements in 14 years, and now Ma Yun is eyeing the business as well.

2017-11-16 18:11:50来源: TECH2IPO创见

「阿里巴巴的发展是履带式的发展,从阿里巴巴,再到淘宝,从淘宝又诞生了天猫,而现在,我们有了一颗冉冉升起的巨星,就是闲鱼。」阿里巴巴市场公关委员会主席王帅在今天(16 日)举行的 2017 闲鱼战略发布会上如是说。闲鱼,和「闲余」谐音。闲鱼总经理谌伟业这样理解「闲」、「余」二字。「闲」是闲置的时间,而「余」是闲置的物品和空间。闲鱼不是一个电商平台,而是一个基于新生活方式的社区。在这个社区,人们分享的可以是二手的物品,也可以是自己的私人时间,还可以是空间(房屋和场地出租)。王帅说,闲鱼从一开始就像是另一种动物——麻雀,「麻雀虽小,五脏俱全」。闲鱼是一个全功能的平台,从某种程度来说,它是「万能」的。...

"The development of Alibaba is a caterpillar development. From Alibaba to Taobao, Tiancat was born from Taobao. Now, we have a rising superstar, idle fish. "Wang Shuai, chairman of the Alibaba Market Public Relations Committee, said at the 2017 Leisure Fish Strategic Conference held today (16). Leisure fish, and "leisure" homonym. Xie Weiye, General Manager of Leisure Fish, understands the words "leisure" and "surplus" in this way. "Idle" is idle time, while "surplus" is idle goods and space. Leisure fish is not an e-commerce platform, but a community based on a new way of life. In this community, people can share second-hand goods, their private time, and space (renting houses and sites). Wang Shuai said that the idle fish from the beginning was like another kind of animal, sparrow. "Although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs." The idle fish is a full-featured platform. To some extent, it is omnipotent. ...