新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚马逊和谷歌针对基因云存储市场展开较量


Amazon and Google genes in the cloud storage market expansion contest

2015-06-06 17:07:45来源: DoNews

网易科技讯 6月6日消息,据《路透社》报道,亚马逊和谷歌正针对人类DNA存储数据展开较量,两家公司都希望借此帮助科学家在医学领域做出新发现,并争取在基因云存储市场中占据份额。到2018年,该市场的规模可达到每年10亿美元。 根据对研究人员、行业顾问和分析师的采访显示,学术机构和医疗公...

Netease tech news news on June 6, Reuters reported, Amazon and Google for human DNA data storage contest, the two companies hope thereby helping scientists make new discoveries in the field of medicine, and strive in the gene of the cloud storage market share. By 2018, the size of the market can reach $1000000000 a year. According to interviews with researchers, industry consultants and analysts, academic institutions and Medical Association...

标签: 谷歌