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《怪物猎人 世界》×《刺客信条》联动泄露 巴耶克现身新大陆

"Monster hunter world" x linkage assassin's creed Ba, appeared in the new world

2018-12-24 17:25:53来源: 游戏时光

通过某些手段,一些技术向的玩家会提前得知有关《怪物猎人 世界》即将推出的新内容,此前一些联动项目曾遭到泄露,而最近国外玩家 hexhexhex 通过技术手段发现了《怪物猎人 世界》即将推出的联动内容,这次游戏将会和《刺客信条》系列进行联动。通过 hexhexhex 的游戏截图可以发现,《刺客信条 起源》的巴耶克将会作为外观装备加入到游戏中,名为 Bayek Layered Armor。全新的《刺客信条 起源》名片背景和人物动作也会上线。另外,《刺客信条》中的刺客兜帽则会作为“特殊装备”加入到《怪物猎人 世界》中,效果为提升行动速度,让玩家能更快隐蔽。最后,hexhexhex 发现联动...

By some means, some technical players to be known in advance about the monster hunter world's upcoming new content, after some linkage projects have been revealed, and the recent foreign players hexhexhex  Through technical means to find the "monster hunter world" the linkage of the upcoming content, the game will be and the series of linkage assassin's creed. Through hexhexhex screenshots can be found, origin of assassin's creed of ", will be equipped to join in the game appearance, called Bayek Layered Armor. Business CARDS, a whole new assassin's creed origin background action and also meeting line. In addition, the assassin assassin's creed hood will be as a "special equipment" to join "the monster hunter world," the effect to improve operation speed, for players to quicker to concealment. Finally, hexhexhex found linkage...