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电子商务发展提速 概念股活跃

The electronic commerce the development speed of active stocks

2015-04-02 10:25:50来源: 东方财富网

国务院明确加快发展电子商务,英唐智控、东方市场涨停,怡亚通、文峰股份、轻纺城等涨逾5%,瑞茂通、苏宁云商、物产中拓、小商品城、焦点科技等涨逾4%。 消息面上,国务院总理李克强4月1日主持召开国务院常务会议,确定加快发展电子商务的措施,培育经济新动力。会议指出,发展电子商务等新兴服务业...

state clearly accelerate the development of e-commerce, the British Tang ites, East Yi Yatong, Wenfeng market trading, shares rose more than 5%, Textile City, Rui Maotong, Su ningyun, property in Rio, small commodity city, Jiao Dianke and rose more than 4%. On the news surface, Premier Li Keqiang April 1st chaired a State Council executive meeting, decided to speed up the development of electronic commerce, foster new economic power. The meeting pointed out, the development of e-commerce and other new services...

标签: 电子商务