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"Dream mock battle 1 & 2" classic remakes, but please don't remakes, set ah

2018-08-23 14:29:24来源: 游戏时光

经典策略模拟游戏《梦幻模拟战1&2》要推出完全重制版,登陆 PS4/Switch!哇,高兴得旋转起飞!但看到这个海报之后,我觉得自己要先冷静一下。《梦幻模拟战》1代出在1991年,2代出在1994年,那时候策略战棋还是主流游戏类型,而《梦幻模拟战》魔幻史诗式的剧情堪称宏大,角色关系复杂曲折,还有女性角色的恋爱要素……身边80后的「老玩家」说起自己最喜欢的游戏,《梦幻模拟战》这个名字是常出现的。当然,提到《梦幻模拟战》,他们肯定会提漆原智志。《梦幻模拟战1&2》重制版在游戏玩法上当然不会变,战棋策略的玩法还会针对现在玩家习惯做一些优化漆原智志是动画师、漫画家,但玩家们提起他,首先...

Classic strategy simulation game "dream mock battle 1 & amp; 2" to launch heavy plate making, completely on PS4 / Switch! Wow, happy to spin off! But after see this poster, I think I need to calm down. "The dream simulated wars 1 generation in 1991, 2 generation in 1994, when the strategy war chess or mainstream game type, and" the dream simulated wars fantasy epic plot is a grand, role relations complex twists and turns, and factors of the role of women in love...... Around 80 after "old players" play your favorite games, the name is "dream simulation fight" often appear. Mention "dream mock battle", of course, they will surely carry paint YuanZhiZhi. "Dream mock battle 1 & amp; 2" heavy plate on the game, of course, will not change, the war strategy game will now players used against doing some optimization paint YuanZhiZhi is the animator and cartoonist, but players brought him, first...