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The dimensional summoners bring across dimensional handheld hero

2017-12-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由美生元旗下晶石互娱发行,成都动鱼数码研发的大型3DAR卡牌手游《次元召唤师》正式上线iOS平台。该游戏引擎采用Unity 3D,将游戏内画面表现的淋漓尽致;游戏还使用时下最火的ARkit黑科技,将游戏世界和现实世界无缝衔接;LBS真实定位地图打造零距离社交,足不出户缔结跨次元生死羁绊。今日,就为大家带来《次元召唤师》部分实体卡牌周边,先来一睹为快吧! 典藏卡牌,精品收藏 此次带来《次元召唤师》的实体卡周边总共包含5个角色,分别是八极之虎-结城晶、迷失君主-亚瑟王、混乱之子-路西法、战争女神-雅典娜、爱之女神-维纳斯。这5个角色都是游戏中最为经典也十分稀有的角色。卡牌周边制作精良,均...

Issued by American born yuan's SPAR mutual entertainment, chengdu move fish digital research and development of large dar card player 3 dimensional calls "officially launched the iOS platform. The use Unity 3 d game engine, graphics performance incisively and vividly in the game; Game also used nowadays is the most popular ARkit black science and technology, the game world and real world seamless; LBS location map to build real social zero distance, never leave home to conclude cross dimensional life and death. Today, just to bring us the dimensional summoner some entities around the card, to check first! Collection card, high-quality goods collection This brings the dimensional summoners entity card contains a total of five roles, respectively is the tiger of octupole "crystal city, lost monarch king Arthur, the son of chaos - lucifer, war goddess Athena, the goddess of love - Venus. The five roles are the most classic game is also very rare. The CARDS around well-made, all...