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国内首个 7x24 小时视频咨询服务平台“和缓视频医生APP” 问世

First domestic 7 x24 hours video services platform "gentle video doctor APP"

2018-01-14 19:24:24来源: DoNews

DoNews 1月14日消息(记者 赵晋杰)1月14日,“和缓视频医生APP”正式发布,这是业内首个7×24小时全年不间断的全职医生视频服务体系。至此,和缓医疗B端、C端全覆盖的健康医疗服务系统全面建成。基于国家分级诊疗的大趋势,和缓以“互联网+分级诊疗”作为切入点,创新智能移动互联网医疗服务模式,经过近三年的耕耘,在原有产品“和缓名医”的基础上,和缓研发出软硬件和服务一体化的解决方案—和缓视频医生APP,建成了业界领先的医生协作网络。7*24小时的“HH Medical Center”和缓视频医生APP整合了三套服务系统:最顶尖的专科专家会诊;7*24小时视频的全科医生服务;终身免费咨询的就...

On January 14, DoNews news (reporter Zhao Jinjie) on January 14, "gentle doctor video APP" official release, this is the first 7 x 24 hour uninterrupted full-time doctors video service system for the whole year. At this point, gentle complete coverage of medical side B, C end of health care service system built completely. Based on the trend of state grading diagnosis and treatment, gentle to "Internet + hierarchical diagnosis" as the breakthrough point, innovative smart mobile Internet medical service mode, after nearly three years of cultivation, on the basis of the original product "gentle" famous doctor, gentle developed hardware and software and services integration solution - gentle doctor video APP, built the industry's leading doctors collaboration network. 7 * 24 hours of "HH Medical Center" gentle doctor video APP integrates the three sets of service system: the top specialized subject specialists; 7 * 24 hours of video GPS service; Life-long free consultation is...

标签: 视频 APP