新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛尔号周年庆好礼登录即领


Cernet number anniversary gifts login the collar

2016-06-01 16:48:08来源: 4399

周年豪礼!点亮祝福即领大奖,周年好礼登陆即领!无论你是刚刚登船的新兵,或是已经非常熟悉赛尔号的老船员,我们都为你准备了丰厚的大礼!点亮希冀!收获大奖! 活动时间:6月3日开启 该文章是本周更新的预告内容,详细攻略将在本周五(6月3日)更新后补充,届时请大家按F5刷新查看。

Anniversary of the lavish gifts! Blessing of light that brought awards, anniversary gifts on the collar. No matter you are just boarding the recruits, or is already very familiar with the old crew (we are all for your generous gift! Lit hope! Harvest awards! Activity time: opened on June 3 The article is the update this week's forecast content detailed strategy will on Friday (June 3) updated supplement, then please press F5 to refresh to see.