新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《任天堂明星大乱斗》已注册商标 或出新作登陆NS

《任天堂明星大乱斗》已注册商标 或出新作登陆NS

"Nintendo star ported" registered trademark or a new log in NS

2017-11-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在3DS与Wii U平台上推出的《任天堂明星大乱斗》在受到玩家大量好评之后,任天堂可能会将这部作品以新作的方式移植到Switch主机上。毕竟在之前已经有《Splatoon 2》以及《口拳》这种先例的存在了。 今天日本“商标速报”的推特称,任天堂已经在日本的家用游戏机软件与游戏主机两个领域注册了“任天堂明星大乱斗”的商标画面,估计这次任天堂还会使用游戏与游戏限定主机的方式来搞事情了。看来这部口碑极好的格斗游戏离我们已经是不远了,敬请期待。

On 3 ds and Wii U platform launched the nintendo star ported by the player after a lot of praise, nintendo would this work to a new way to Switch on the host. After all, before there has been a "Splatoon 2" and "the mouth boxing" of this precedent. Japanese studies "trademark" twitter said today, nintendo has console software and game console in Japan two domains registered the "nintendo star ported" trademark images, estimate the nintendo also use game with qualified host way to do things. Excellent grapple game seems the word-of-mouth is not far away from us, please look.

标签: 任天堂