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玛奇纳技能树相关 90级装备走向讲解

Marchena skill tree 90 equipment to explain

2015-06-18 06:54:53来源: 多玩游戏

300%书取消了,满级奖励目前一个号只有50%,最高X5,回归也是50%。 新手村难得这么多人,好消息就是经验同步国服了,我那几个60的回归小号瞬间出师了。 嘛反正现在练起来感觉和买了书差不了多少。 另外是90装备改革的样品,自己看吧,简化龙玉,自带血量。

300% Book cancelled, the full reward at present only 50% of a number, the highest X5, regression is 50%. Xinshoucun rare so many people, the good news is that the experience of synchronous dress, I return the 60 trumpet moment of apprenticeship. Well, it's not much better to practice feeling and buying a book now.. The other is 90 samples of equipment reform, yourself, simplify the jade dragon, with blood.