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宜信翼启云服正式发布Blockworm BaaS区块链服务云平台

Appropriate letter wing rev cloud service release Blockworm BaaS block chain service cloud platform

2018-06-21 10:17:13来源: DoNews

DoNews6月21日消息(记者 翟继茹)20日,宜信旗下公司翼启云服宣布对外发布Blockworm BaaS区块链云平台,并向企业端客户开放免费试用。企业接入Blockworm BaaS平台后,可以“开箱即用”的使用区块链技术,快速构建适合自己的区块链服务。 据宜信翼启云服区块链实验室负责人张一杰介绍,在技术层面,翼启云服Blockworm BaaS平台主要围绕Blockworm来推进,即基于超级账本的开源区块链底层平台搭建的联盟链系统,旨在解决数据的可信存储。 在使用层面,Blockworm BaaS平台目前主要向B2B/B2C平台类企业、强供应链属性企业、供应...

DoNews6 21 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) 20, appropriate letter's wing rev cloud service announced release Blockworm BaaS block chain cloud platform, and open to the end customers free trial. Enterprise access Blockworm BaaS platform, can use "out of the box" block chain technology, to quickly build suitable block chain services. According to the appropriate letter wing rev cloud service chain blocks, head of the laboratory Zhang Yijie introduces, at the technical level, wing rev cloud service Blockworm BaaS platform centered Blockworm to advance, based on the books of open source block chain platform at the bottom of the league chain system, aimed at resolving the trust store of data. In the use of level, Blockworm BaaS platform mainly to the B2B/B2C platform, strong property of supply chain enterprises, supply...

标签: 区块链