新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买到过期食品 可获10倍赔偿

买到过期食品 可获10倍赔偿

Buy expired food will be 10 times the compensation

2015-03-13 20:11:28来源: 和讯网

绘图:简仁山 3月12日下午,东莞市中级人民法院召开新闻发布会,发布五宗消费者权益保护典型案例,包括食品安全、电热水器产品责任纠纷、网购买卖合同违约、汽车保险理陪、汽车销售服务等方面。 发布会上,中院新闻发言人尹振宇作主题发言,案件承办法官接受了记者现场提问,并对消费者提出多项提...

drawing: Jian Renshan March 12th afternoon, the Dongguan City Intermediate People's court held a news conference, issued five reports of consumer rights and interests protection of typical cases, including food safety, electric water heater products liability of breach of contract disputes, online shopping, auto insurance claim, automobile sales and service etc.. Conference, court spokesman Yin Zhenyu as keynote speaker, the case handling the judge accepted reporter on-site questions, and put forward a number of consumers provided...