新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥奇传说剑神洪荒极限战斗力


The legend of sword god conceptions of limit strength

2016-06-22 01:06:23来源: 4399

奥奇传说剑神洪荒极限战斗力,传说中最强神兵所化的剑魂,可统万剑,斩太虚,可谓最强的武器之一。快来看看他的战斗力吧! 剑神洪荒极限战斗力:8000(小右猜测) 小右传送门: 记得周五的时候按F5刷新哦!小右会给大家带来最全、最精彩的资讯!

The legend of sword god conceptions of limit strength, the strongest, magic legend is the sword of the soul, but all swords, too, is one of the most powerful weapons. Come and see his fighting capacity. Sword god conceptions of limit strength: 8000 small (guess) right right portal: remember Friday press F5 to refresh! Righty will bring most comprehensive, the most wonderful information!