新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小伙创办游戏工作室 购买他人身份信息触犯法律

小伙创办游戏工作室 购买他人身份信息触犯法律

The guy started game studios Buy others identity information violate the law

2016-03-23 14:52:00来源: 新浪

高邮80后小伙张某,创办了一个网络游戏工作室谋生。为了大量注册游戏账号,张某在网上购买了许多公民的身份信息,直到被民警抓获,张某还不知道,自己的行为已经涉嫌犯非法获取公民个人信息罪。 80后小伙创办网游工作室 张某是高邮人,读完小学就辍学了,文化程度不高。然而张某爱好网络游戏,没有...

Gaoyou 80 guy after zhang, set up a network game studios to make a living. To a large number of registered game account, zhang bought a lot of citizens' identity information on the Internet, until the police captured, zhang also don't know, their behavior has been suspected of illegal for private citizens information sin. An online workshop guy started after 80 Zhang is in gaoyou people, finish primary school drop out, do not have a high level of culture. Zhang love online games, however, did not...

标签: 游戏