新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼:今年没有PSX,因为没有足够内容


SONY: there is no PSX this year because there is not enough content.

2018-09-29 09:48:41来源: 游戏时光

PlayStation Experience,简称 PSX,是索尼用以展示未来 PlayStation 的游戏阵容的展会,通常在每年的年末举办。近日,SIE 全球工作室主席肖恩·雷顿在一期电台广播中确认,索尼今年将不会举办 PSX 展会,其原因很简单:没有足够内容支撑。我们刚发售《漫威蜘蛛侠》,明年将会有一些游戏,比如《Dream》和《往日不再》,但我们现在还没有足够的内容以举办此次展会。我们不想让大家期待很高,然后满足不了大家,这是个艰难的决定,我们今年不会举办 PSX 了。往年的 PSX 一般在12月举办,为期两天,我们经常能看见一些重大游戏的相关信息,比如《最后生还者 第二幕》就是在20...

PlayStation Experience, or PSX for short, is an exhibition that Sony uses to showcase its future playStation lineup, usually held at the end of each year. Sean Leighton, chairman of SIE Global Studios, confirmed in a radio broadcast that Sony would not host PSX this year for a simple reason: not enough content to support it. We've just released Man Wei Spider-Man, and next year there will be games like Dream and No More, but we don't have enough content for the show yet. We don't want people to expect so much and then we can't meet them. It's a tough decision. We won't host PSX this year. In the past year, PSX was usually held in December for two days, and we often saw some information about major games, such as "The Last Survivor Act II" in the 20th.

标签: 索尼 PS