新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第二季“弗拉格杯”《300英雄》官方赛


The second season of "300" Flagg Cup "hero" official game

2015-10-14 15:06:25来源: 爱拍游戏

德比大战,火字当头!《300英雄》“弗拉格杯”第二季之狙击之战拉开序幕。第一季“弗拉格杯”QA观光旅游战队以全胜战绩兵不血刃拿下了桂冠,成功吸引全公司的仇恨,昨晚起第一场“同城死敌”已经准备就绪,誓拿冠军! 首日的比赛在2支研发新队的同门对决中展开,“巭孬嫑夯莪”VS“我们是泡泡”,“...

Derby, lured by the fire! "300" hero "Flagg Cup" the second season of the Sniper War kicked off. First quarter "Flagg Cup" QA tourism team to undefeated bloodless won the title, successfully attracted hatred of the whole company, last night the first "rivals" is ready, vowed to take the championship! Start on the first day of the game in the 2 new team developed the same battle, "Pu Nao Biao ram I" VS "we are bubble","...