新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪正式公布《守望先锋》5月24日发售


Blizzard officially announced the watch pioneer in May 24th for sale

2016-03-09 08:06:47来源: 和讯网

前天,IGN的一条广告曝光了《守望先锋》的正式发售日期,不过毕竟还没有得到暴雪的官方确认。昨天暴雪正式确认《守望先锋》将于2016年5月24日正式发售,同时将于5月5日公测。 5月24号正式发售 同时在4月29日之前预购这款游戏的玩家还可以提前两天游玩公测。比较遗憾的是,公测中玩家...

The day before yesterday, a IGN ad exposure of the watch pioneer, the official launch date, but after all, has not been officially confirmed by blizzard. Yesterday, Blizzard officially confirmed "watch pioneer" will be officially on sale in May 24, 2016, while the beta in May 5th. At the same time pre order in April 29th May 24th officially on sale before the game the game player can also play two days ahead of the beta. Unfortunately, beta game player...

标签: 暴雪 守望先锋