新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网店“信誉”可信度有多高? 小心很多是“刷”出..

网店“信誉”可信度有多高? 小心很多是“刷”出..

Credibility online "credit" how high? A lot of careful is "brush" out of..

2015-03-13 08:17:05来源: 华龙网

华龙网3月12日20时15分讯(实习记者 李华侨)网上购物时,多数人会将网店的“口碑”当做参考选择,可是这些“信誉”真的可靠吗?家住主城的李女士开了家网店,生意一直不好,一些自称“淘宝客服”的陌生人找到,称愿意为她提供帮助,到底是什么样的帮助呢? 淘宝客服找上门 称能帮助网店“死而复...

Hualong network March 12th twenty fifteen news (intern reporter Li Huaqiao) when shopping online, most people will shop "reputation" as a reference to choose, but these "credit" really reliable? Ms. Lee's home city opened a shop, business has been bad, some claiming to "Taobao customer service" strangers find, said willing to help her, in the end is what kind of help? Taobao find customer service demand that can help shop "death complex...