新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《鬼吹灯3D》携燃点,或成手游异业合作新标杆!


"Ghost blows out the 3 d with ignition point, or into a mobile game industry cooperation new standard!

2016-06-08 11:09:54来源: 第三媒体


"The light" is the present domestic network on one of the most famous novel series, has been hailed as a Chinese suspense tomb-raiding the pioneer novels, the main content for tomb-raiding treasure hunt. Novel with interlocking plot setting, breathtaking suspense drama, meticulous description of characters and little-known tomb-raiding cultural subject matter, etc, since 2006 serial, won the support of more than one hundred million "filament". In 2015, the novel "the nine layers demon tower" and...

标签: 手游