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Qualcomm temporary settlement: huawei huawei pay qualcomm $150 million per quarter

2019-01-31 07:26:20来源: IT之家

据国外媒体报道,高通当地时间周三表示,全球第二大智能手机公司华为已与高通(Qualcomm)签署了一项短期授权协议。这笔交易是高通在截至12月30日的第一财季达成的,将持续到6月30日。高通首席财务官乔治·戴维斯(George Davis)在与分析师就公司财务业绩举行的电话会议上表示,华为每个季度将向高通支付1.5亿美元。目前合同谈判还在进行中。根据高通与华为的协议,华为今后3个季度每季度支付1.5亿美元的技术许可费,原先的协议为每季度1亿美元,两家公司将继续谈判以达成最终协议。华为和苹果是仍在与高通授权协议进行斗争的两家主要公司。与华为达成暂时性的协议缓解了人们对该公司未来向使用其技术的手机...

According to foreign media reports, local time, Qualcomm, said on Wednesday that the world's second largest smartphone company huawei has with Qualcomm, Qualcomm) signed a short-term license agreement. The deal is qualcomm in the first quarter ended December 30, will continue until June 30. Qualcomm's chief financial officer George Davis (George Davis) with analysts on the said on a conference call held in the company's financial performance, huawei will pay qualcomm $150 million each quarter. The current contract negotiations continue. According to the qualcomm agreement with huawei, huawei in the future three quarters to pay $150 million each quarter technology licensing fees, the original agreement to you of $100 million per quarter, the two companies will continue to negotiate to reach a final agreement. Huawei and apple is still struggle with qualcomm licensing agreement for the two major companies. Temporary agreement with huawei to relieve the people in the future of the company to use the technology of mobile phone...