新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《古墓丽影:崛起》PC销量为XB1的3倍


The tomb raider: the rise of PC sales for XB1 three times

2016-02-27 07:13:37来源: 和讯网

众所周知,SE社旗下人气系列游戏《古墓丽影:崛起》此前为Xbox平台限时独占作品,在女神劳拉的感召下大批粉丝甚至为了玩《古墓丽影:崛起》买微软主机,索尼与PC玩家只能坐等望观,不免心中有丝悲凉。 不过抛开索尼不说,PC版游戏具有超强的画面自定义选项,《古墓丽影:崛起》PC版虽然后期发...

As is known to all, SE club banners under the popular series "tomb raider: the rise of" after the time limit for the Xbox platform exclusive works, the goddess of Laura's) a large number of fans even to play "tomb raider: the rise of" buy Microsoft host, SONY and PC gamers can only wait for hope, not a silk sad in your heart. But aside from SONY, the PC version of the game with super screen customization options, the PC edition of the rise of tomb raider: although late hair...

标签: PC