新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东与华夏幸福王文学联手打造电商集群


Jingdong and Huaxia happiness together to create electric king literature cluster

2015-03-18 15:29:30来源: 苏州都市网

电子商务市场发展迅速,目前与电子商务相适应的物流、仓储市场并不能满足需求。华夏幸福王文学敏锐觉察到这里的商机。 华夏幸福王文学联手京东商城在固安落地电商产业园,园区内凭借京东集团大型电子信息平台的品牌效应,巨大的网站流量以及先进的电子商务管理手段,使园区内的小电商也能在系统内资源共享,...

e-commerce market is developing rapidly, the current and the electronic commerce logistics, warehousing and adapt to the market and can not meet the demand of. Huaxia happiness king literature is aware of the opportunities here. Huaxia happiness king literature jointly Jingdong mall in Guan landing Electric Industrial Park, park on the brand effect Jingdong group of large electronic information platform, web site traffic and the huge advanced e-commerce management means, make the park small electric can within the system resource sharing,...

标签: 京东 电商