新关注 > 信息聚合 > 5月19日炫彩皮肤最后一天限时抢购 LOL全新道具包..

5月19日炫彩皮肤最后一天限时抢购 LOL全新道具包..

May 19, colorful skin last day limit buy lol new props packet call division dear..

2015-05-19 17:08:13来源: 电玩巴士

亲爱的召唤师: 你是否觉得,即使购买了皮肤也还总是碰上与自己“撞衫”的人?想要展现在英雄联盟中的个性,打造真正专属的英雄和皮肤?别急,英雄联盟推出的炫彩皮肤,让你对喜欢的英雄或皮肤重新装饰,让角色变得更加独特。 6款炫彩皮肤礼包将于5月13日10:00上线,每个炫彩皮肤礼包包含“...

: do you think, even buy the skin there is always met with his "Zhuangshan" people? Want to show in the League of Legends of personality, to create a truly exclusive hero and skin? Don't worry, the hero Alliance launched a colorful skin, let your favorite heroes or skin to re decoration, let the role becomes even more unique. 6 colorful skin packs will be on May 13th 10:00 on the line, each package contains bright skin"...

标签: LOL