新关注 > 信息聚合 > Uzi韩服直播LOL让寒冰甩狙?自己都惊呆了


Uzi han2 fu2 live LOL let ice jilt previously? Are stunned

2016-07-16 15:19:47来源: 07073游戏网

近日,Uzi在全民TV照旧进行着“抗韩”直播过程中发生了神奇一幕。在一场追杀站之中,Uzi操作的寒冰射手企图超远距离射杀敌方残血的巴德。正当Uzi甩出大招的时候,巴德连续的位移技能破坏了Uzi原本的如意算盘,让气急败坏的Uzi也不由的来了一句国骂。 然而就在此时神奇的事突然发生了,U...

Recently, the Uzi in a live TV continues to an "anti Korea" magic scene happened in the process. Stood a mob, Uzi operating ice striker attempted to kop shoot enemy residual blood bud. As Uzi out big time, bud continuous displacement skills destroyed the Uzi's wishful thinking originally, let is flustered, Uzi also not to scold 1 countries. However, magic suddenly happen at this time, U...

标签: LOL 直播