新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2014年百姓的钱都去哪儿了?


In 2014 the people's money where to go?

2014-12-30 10:45:33来源: 华商网

摘要: 时光荏苒,年初风光无限的“宝宝”类互联网理财产品引发的“银行存款搬家”之争犹在耳边,年末上演的股市疯狂又令人应接不暇。” 淘宝、京东、天猫、唯品会、1号店、苏宁易购……2014年,在“新常态”下,消费成为拉动经济发展的重要引擎,而近些年风起云涌的电商又成为拉动消费的主力军。

Abstract: time flies, the beginning of the year the scenery unlimited "baby" kind of Internet financial products caused by the "bank deposit to move" the struggle still ringing in our ears, at the end of the year the stock market staged crazy and people too busy to attend to all." Taobao, Jingdong, Tmall, vipshop, 1 store, Suning tesco...... In 2014, in the "new normal", consumption has become an important engine of driving economic development in recent years, and the electric consumption be raging like a storm and become a driving force.