新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国概念股周三开盘涨跌互现 麦考林涨6%

中国概念股周三开盘涨跌互现 麦考林涨6%

Chinese concept stocks were mixed Wednesday opened up Mcglaughlin 6%

2014-12-31 23:01:25来源: 新浪

中国概念股周三开盘涨跌互现 新浪科技讯 北京时间12月31日晚间消息,周三美国股市高开。2014年美股交易即将结束,三大股指全年均将获得丰厚收益。美国上周首次申请失业救济人数升至29.8万,创感恩节以来新高。中国概念股周三开盘涨跌互现,麦考林涨6.47%。 美东时间12月31日0...

China concept stocks were mixed Wednesday opened sina science and technology news Beijing standard time on December 31st evening news, stock market opened higher Wednesday American. In 2014 the US stock trading is coming to an end, the three major stock indexes throughout the year will receive a substantial income. For the first time to apply for unemployment benefits USA last week rose to 298000, the highest since a thanksgiving. Chinese concept stocks were mixed Wednesday opened, Mcglaughlin rose 6.47%. EST on December 31st 0...