新关注 > 信息聚合 > 品牌要想有粉丝,老板首先要有粉丝


Brand to have fans, the boss the first thing to have fans

2018-06-02 16:46:00来源: 品途网

当前已经进入互联网传播社会。用刘春雄教授的话讲:当前是营销即传播。也就是说当前营销的核心是首先做好传播。也有人讲:粉丝是品牌的护城河。也就是说当前,真正有价值的品牌,不只是让人知道,还需要让消费者相信,需要让消费依赖,需要让消费者忠诚,与企业形成一种新的粉丝关系。我的理解:在当前的互联网传播社会,企业要尽快转换新的传播营销模式,企业要尽可能制造更广泛的传播。通过更广泛的传播,产生更大的对目标用户、目标消费者的有效影响,并能形成更有价值的粉丝关系。 在当前的移动互联网社会,企业的传播...

The current has spread into the Internet society. With professor Liu Chunxiong words: is the current marketing propagation. That is the core of the current marketing is well spread in the first place. Others speak: fan is the moat of the brand. That is current, truly valuable brand, not just let people know, you also need to convince consumers that need to let the consumer relies on, need to let the consumer loyalty, relationship with the enterprises to form a new fans. I understand: in the current spread of the Internet society, enterprises should as soon as possible conversion new marketing mode of transmission, the enterprise to make more widely spread as much as possible. Through more widely spread, greater the effective influence to the target audience, target consumers, and to form more valuable fans. In the current mobile Internet society, the spread of enterprise...