新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝《Apex英雄》开始进行硬件封禁,换号也会被封


"Apex Heroes" began to be blocked by hardware, and the number change would be blocked.

2019-03-16 19:33:57来源: IT之家

IT之家3月16日消息 最近大火的“吃鸡”游戏《Apex英雄》也饱受外挂问题困扰,继此前疑似锁区之后,有Reddit网友曝光,作弊者开始在相关论坛上反映,称受到封禁之后,即使是重装系统也无济于事,新的账号会在30分钟内遭到封禁。有作弊者称,他在被封禁之后,尝试过更换硬件ID、硬盘序列号、MAC地址、格式化电脑、恢复电脑出厂设置、更换动态IP、重新对硬盘分区、重装更旧版本的显卡驱动,但都无济于事,疑似遭到硬件封禁。作为一款免费的“吃鸡”游戏,EA在推出《Apex英雄》后迅速在全球范围内火爆起来,目前《Apex英雄》已经吸引了全球5000万玩家。EA此次硬件封禁作弊玩家,应该会起到极大的震慑作用。

IT Home, March 16, news that the recent fire of "Chicken Eating" game "Apex Hero" has also been plagued by plug-in problems. Following the previous suspected blockade, Reddit netizens were exposed. Cheaters began to reflect on relevant forums, saying that after being blocked, even re-installing the system will not help, and the new account will be blocked within 30 minutes. Some cheaters said that after being blocked, he tried to change hardware ID, hard disk serial number, MAC address, format computer, restore computer factory settings, change dynamic IP, re-partition hard disk, re-install older version of graphics card driver, but all of them were useless, suspected to be blocked by hardware. As a free chicken-eating game, EA has become popular worldwide since the launch of Apex Hero, which has attracted 50 million players worldwide. EA hardware blockade cheating players, should play a great deterrent role.